Home > News > News > Prof. Songkran Khuntiptong, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, visited the business and participated in the exchange of sending students in the field of early childhood education at Thianprasitsart School.
Prof. Songkran Khuntiptong, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, visited the business and participated in the exchange of sending students in the field of early childhood education at Thianprasitsart School.

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2023-01-03 11:33:51

On December 16, 2022, Assistant Professor Songkran  Khuntiptong, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Education, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, visited the business and exchanged students in the field of early childhood education. I participated in teacher professional training in a medium-sized private kindergarten with Ajarn Siraprapha Yoosuk, Director of Thianprasitsart School.