Home > News > News > Thidadow Dechsri, a lecturer in the Thai Language Program, Faculty of Education, supervises the teaching and learning of the 5th-year students at Suwanplappla Pittayakom School.
Thidadow Dechsri, a lecturer in the Thai Language Program, Faculty of Education, supervises the teaching and learning of the 5th-year students at Suwanplappla Pittayakom School.

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2023-01-03 11:43:01

On December 15, 2022, Thidadow  Dechsri, Lecturer in Thai Language Program, Faculty of Education, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, supervised the teaching and learning management of the 5th year students at Suwan Phlapphla Pittayakom School Bangkok.