Suphakkhathat Suthanaphinyo, Thai
Language Department Lecturer, teaching
supervision for students at
Samsenwittayalai School, Nonthaburi
Girls' School, and Rajvithi School
Suphakkhathat Suthanaphinyo, Thai
Language Department Lecturer, teaching
supervision for students at
Samsenwittayalai School, Nonthaburi
Girls' School, and Rajvithi School

December 11, 18, and 20, 2024,
Mr. Suphakkhathat Suthanaphinyo, a
lecturer in the Thai Language Program,
Faculty of Education, Suan Sunandha
Rajabhat University, supervised the
teaching of Thai Language Program
students at Samsenwittayalai School,
Nonthaburi Girls' School, and
Rajvithi School, Secondary School.