Home > News > News > Pawarisorn Phoomsoong, lecturer in general science at the Faculty of Education, was invited as a guest speaker. In the project to enhance learning skills for STEM education and to develop teachers for learning in the 21st century,
Pawarisorn Phoomsoong, lecturer in general science at the Faculty of Education, was invited as a guest speaker. In the project to enhance learning skills for STEM education and to develop teachers for learning in the 21st century,

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2023-01-04 11:02:42

On December 24–25, 2022, Pawarisorn Phoomsoong, General Science Lecturer, Faculty of Education, was invited as a speaker in the STEM Learning Skills Development Project for Teacher Professional Development for Learning in the 21st Century. for first and second year students of the Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University, at Sikkhalai Conference Room Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University