Home > News > News > Dr.Thadcha Sukrachan and Pawarisorn Phoomsoong, lecturers in general science, participated in a workshop to develop skills for producing instructional materials online and on demand for teachers and professors in the 21st century.
Dr.Thadcha Sukrachan and Pawarisorn Phoomsoong, lecturers in general science, participated in a workshop to develop skills for producing instructional materials online and on demand for teachers and professors in the 21st century.

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2022-12-07 14:58:19

On December 2, 2022, Dr.Thadcha Sukrachan and Pawarisorn Phoomsoong, Lecturers in the Department of General Science, Faculty of Education, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Attended the workshop training program to develop instructional media production skills online and on-demand for teachers and professors in the 21st century, organized by the Department of Innovation and Digital Design. Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts, with Mr. Tinnakorn Phromdeema, National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) as a guest speaker at the Riverside Hotel. Bangkok